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"HAGANAH" 78rpm set

The recent discussions on listmembers' private collections prompts me to pose 
a search once again.  In 1948 on the private Night Music label (Pittsburgh - 
Night Music #106), a set of 78rpm discs was released entitled "Haganah-Songs 
of the Jewish Underground".  Sung by Dov Arres and commissioned by Habonim 
Labor Zionist Youth. Songs are sung in Hebrew and English.

I am archiving things for Habonim here on the West Coast and have managed to 
come up with a couple of beat-up copies, but they are really not worth 
archiving because of condition.  I have shied away from some of the well 
known archives because there is zero budget on this.  I am hoping to come up 
with a decent copy so I can dump it to CD for future preservation.

I believe a song from this collection was even played in the background of 
1997's Academy Award winning documentary "The Long Way Home".

Any and all  advice / suggestions are welcome- you can e-mail me at 
ronoren (at) aol(dot)com

Thank you!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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