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Re: Had Gadya in Portugal

Nu, is this Moroccan version recorded?  Whenever you can--rlc

>From: "Judith R. Cohen" <judithc (at) YorkU(dot)CA>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Had Gadya in Portugal
>Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 06:08:16 -0500
>Speaking of that neat old Folkways anthology of Had Gadya (Schwadron has
>the matching long article about it in Selected Reports in
>Ethnomusicology, late 1970's or early 80's I think; and Voice of the
>Turtle has a recording with several versions also), if you are ever in
>Belmonte with the Crypto (well, now not-Crypto) Jews, and hear some
>singing a beautiful Moroccan version of Had Gadya, it's NOT a survival
>form the medieval ages, (as people are so fond of ascribing medieval
>origins to so many aspects of Ibero-Jewish culture!!) but - dates to
>1997. I know, because I taught it to them. I learned it in Montreal from
>a very elderly couple who did it bilingually, Hebrew (well , Aramaic)
>and Ladino : he did the first and she the second, rocking in an old
>chair, with a huge pendulum clock ticking away in back - t was
>mesmerizing, and she died soon after.

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