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Re: Yiddish Peysakh songs--+ versions of Chad Gadya

Lorele et al.:  The Folkways recording CHAD GADYA [One Kid]--presumably 
available on custom cassette and soon via CD?--includes two Yiddish versions 
of that song.  There is (interesting) annotation in the notes, but no 
specific author or composer is given for either.

The recording is a small sampling of some 100 (or maybe 200) versions of 
Chad Gadya that were collected by Abraham A. Schwadron and written up in 
SELECTED REPORTS IN ETHNOMUSICOLOGY, Vol. 4, Special Issue, 1981-82.  The 
entire collection of recorded melodies is, I believe, deposited with the 
Library of Congress--I have more info on this somewhere and can advise, at 
some point, if needed.

--Robert Cohen

>From: Lori Cahan-Simon <l_cahan (at) staff(dot)chuh(dot)org>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Yiddish Peysakh songs
>Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 04:19:59 -0500
>I'm looking to clarify a few things about some Peysakh songs/poems.  If
>anyone can help, I'd appreciate it.
>1.  In different sources, the song variously called "Kh'hob far aykh a
>maysele" or "Khad Gadyo" the text and music are ascribed to different
>people.  In the former, text, I. Lukowski, music, Mikhl Gelbart.  In the
>latter, text, I. L. Peretz, music, (written in English) L. Lukowsky
>(written in Yiddish) Gelbart.  What's the story here?  Also, does anyone
>know if the text goes beyond the fire verse in the original?

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