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Re: JEWISH-MUSIC digest 1495

Thank you, Eli for this song--I don't know any Yiddish passover
songs, and this is just in time for my band's seder gig next month.  I
think the notation works well for a song like this.  There is a very
similar notation system in relatively common use in part of Africa, which
(I think) is equally intuitive/iconic but clearer when more rhythmic
precision is needed.  Let me know if anyone wants a sample/explanation.

> Here is the melody of each stanza, in a variant of a notation I invented about
> 50 years ago, which (I hope!) is largely self-explanatory.
>                     (5)1|3- 2 1(7)|2 1
>                     11|6- 4 56-|5
>                     3-4|5 5 3-5|3-54
>                     23-|4 6- 54|3
>                     12|3- 3- 43-|215
>                     (5)(7)|2 4 3-2|1
> (Here, a parenthesized note is one octave down, the spacing indicates the
> duration of each note, the minus signs are flats, and the bars are bar lines.)
> Let me know if anything isn't clear.
> Eli Goodman

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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