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Yidish Peysakh songs

Eli and other khaverim,

Thanks for the help you are giving.  What I am also looking for are *old* 
Holiday songs.  Here are the Yidish Peysakh songs I know.  If anyone can share
with me anything else, please let me know:

Oyfn Nil (Shvimt dos kestl)
Zog, Maran
In dem land fun piramidn
Eliyohu Hanovi
Tayere Malke
Khad Gadyo (Kh'hob far aykh a maysele)
Un oysgelyzt vert folk Yisroel (Bakhtsi halaylo)
As di yontevkike teg
Di fir kashes (Ma nishtano)

A dank, Eli, for sharing your notation system.  Here is another verse for you.  
is a 3rd stanza:

K'netn leym un shlepn tzigl,                    Kneading clay and dragging 

Boyen shleser hoikh un raykh;                Building houses high and proud;
Bizn keyver, funem vigl --                     Slaves from the cradle to the
K'nekht geven mit hint tzuglaykh.           They were treated worse than dogs.

When you say "we" do you mean family or another group?

a dank, alemen,

Jacob E Goodman wrote:

> Lori asks for more Yiddish Peysakh songs.  Here is one that we often sing:
>                     IN DEM LAND FUN PIRAMIDN
>                     In dem land fun piramidn
>                     Geven a kenig, beyz un shlekht,
>                     Zaynen dort geven di Yidn
>                     Zayne diner, zayne knekht.
>                     Zaynen dort geven di Yidn
>                     Zayne diner, zayne knecht.
>                     Shver hot zey geplogt der kenig,
>                     Laydn hot dos folk gemuzt,
>                     Vayl es hot farshtanen veynik,
>                     Veynik mut farmogt in brust.
>                     Vayl es hot farshtanen veynik,
>                     Veynik mut farmogt in brust.
>                     Pitzlekh kinder ayngemoyert,
>                     Ven a tzigl hot gefelt,
>                     Okh, vi lang es volt gedoyert
>                     Ot di viste shklafnvelt.
>                     Okh, vi lang es volt gedoyert
>                     Ot di viste shklafnvelt.
>                     Ven in land fun piramidn
>                     Volt nit geven kayn shtarker held,
>                     Vos hot gekemft far ale Yidn
>                     Mit zayn khokhme, mit zayn shverd.
>                     Vos hot gekemft far ale Yidn
>                     Mit zayn khokhme, mit zayn shverd.
> Here is the melody of each stanza, in a variant of a notation I invented about
> 50 years ago, which (I hope!) is largely self-explanatory.
>                     (5)1|3- 2 1(7)|2 1
>                     11|6- 4 56-|5
>                     3-4|5 5 3-5|3-54
>                     23-|4 6- 54|3
>                     12|3- 3- 43-|215
>                     (5)(7)|2 4 3-2|1
> (Here, a parenthesized note is one octave down, the spacing indicates the
> duration of each note, the minus signs are flats, and the bars are bar lines.)
> Let me know if anything isn't clear.
> Eli Goodman
> P.S. We also usually sing the Partizanen Lid (zog nit keynmol...) at some
> point, either after the Ritual of Remembrance or near the end of the seder.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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