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I am a songleader


Carol Freeman

53 Downing Street # 2R
New York, NY 10014

telephone: 212-255-7890

e-mail: tsipra (at) earthlink(dot)net

> I use/do not use instruments for song-leading.

I usually teach the art of traditional unaccompanied singing, although I also
work with accompanying instrumentalists.

> List those ages and groups which apply.  I song-lead for:
>         Nursery School children
>         Elementary school children
>         Junior High school children
>         High school students
>         College students
>         Adults

I usually work with adults and college students, but also work with children,
including very young children.

I am a professional teacher of traditional Yiddish and Sephardic Jewish song.
The following is a description of the type of Yiddish song course I offer to
adults. (Sephardic Jewish would be structured similarly, but the vocal style is
more difficult.)

The course is designed not merely to teach repertoire but to also to help
learn to use their voices like the best of the traditional Yiddish singers.
Students will learn how to use produce their voices naturally, (akin to the way

children and traditional/ethnic singers around the world sing), and will learn
how to sing with maximum comfort, clarity and control with a minimum of effort.

Working with original field recordings of immigrant singers, we will learn how
hear and reproduce stylistic elements, such as specific vocal ornaments,
microtonal scales, and vocal phrasing, that are the essence of beautiful
old-style Yiddish singing.

Repertoire will include traditional (folk) songs, nineteenth century ballads,
early twentieth century compositions, and will somewhat follow the wishes of
students in the class.  Students will work both as a group and individually.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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