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Re: stereotypical Jewish performers?

Marvin wrote:

> > >
> > >Blacks have a name for this kind of performer - Uncle Tom.  I've never
> > >heard
> > >of a similar name for Jewish performers who took on the streeotypical
> role.
> >
> > A:  Uh, Al Jolson?  I'm probably being cruel--or, more to the point,
> > simplistic.  jat -- rlc
> I'm not sure that this is a good example.  Jolson was doing what was usual
> then in the Yiddish theater.

Jolson made some Yiddish recordings ("A Khazndl af Shabes");
I don't think he performed in the Yiddish theatre,
but rather in vaudeville.

> Perhaps it was a stereotype, but it wasn't the
> non-Jew's stereotype specifically.

This sentence is confusing.
Do you mean Jolson (a white Jew) in blackface,
was not a gentile-inspired sterotype of a Jew or,
what do you mean?




---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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