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Re: Yiddish Terminology in Western "Art" Music

-- Budowitz Home Page:

Years ago I did an interview with Isachar Fater in Poland. His address in
Israel is:

12 Brodetzky Str.
69051 Ramat-Aviv Israel
Tel 412-944

he belongs ideologically to those who believe that Jewish folk music should
be "raised to the level of western art music". I enjoyed his verve even when
I didn't agree with his ideas, and he is quite knowledgable about Beregovski
as well. Josh Horowitz

> Perhaps you should try to contact the Israeli musicologist Isaschar Fater.
> He writes (in Yiddish) about Jewish music and Western "Art" music.
>   His books are published by Farlag Yisroel-Bukh (Israel-Book Publishing
> House, 2 Brener Street, Tel Aviv).
> He also writes for the Yiddish Forverts in New York, so you might want to
> contact them to try to get an address (or maybe someone on the list knows?).
> Jeff Warschauer

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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