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Fwd: Mimaamakim

Can someone help this lady? I received her email with the doc attached but 
as Ari asked not to send attachments I did not enclose. You can contact me 
and i will forward it to you if you can help..


Jewish Music Distribution UK (jmduk)

>From: "Laura e Marco" <lauremar (at) tiscalinet(dot)it>
>To: <jmduk (at) hotmail(dot)com>
>Subject: Mimaamakim
>Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 21:55:32 +0100
>Dear Sirs,
>I am a singer and need to find out if one of the pieces I sing is 
>traditional or has an author. This, I believe, can only be proven if the 
>piece has been catalogued somewhere.
>Can you help me find out ?
>The lyrics are the "Mimaamakim..." (Psalm 130). I attach the "Finale" file 
>in order for you to know which melody I am referring to.
>If you cannot help me directly, can you inform me on where to ask (is there 
>a music copyright office in Israel ?)
>Thank you very much in advance.
>Laure Gilbert

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