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Gerard Edery in Boston

Dear friends:

I thought the following might be of interest to Boston-area concertgoers.

If you will be there IRL please let me know in advance and let's try to 
meet at the event.




April 2nd at 7PM  THE SONS OF SEPHARAD (Gerard Edery, Baritone/Classical
& Flamenco guitar, Aaron Bensoussan, Tenor/Oud,  George Mgrdichian, One
of the finest oud players in the world today, Emmanuel Mann on Bass and
Rex Benincasa, master percussionist) will present a concert of
Sephardic, Hebrew and original songs by Gerard Edery in the many
languages of the Sephardic Diaspora.  Traditional music with a
contemporary feel.  Temple Israel, 125 Pond Street, Sharon, MA
Phone: 781-784-3986.

Info on this and all other concerts available at

Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420 USA

Home:           781-862-2432
Home Office:    781-862-4104
FAX:            781-862-0498
Email:          jbresler (at) ma(dot)ultranet(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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