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Re: Maramaros

>3) It is possible that the Muzsikas musicians were misinformed about
>pre-wwII Jewish performance style by their informants. If this is the case,
>it says nothing about the aesthetic value of the outcome taken in its own
>context. However, since Muzsikas set out on a project of reconstruction of
>a "lost" music, if they were misinformed, that would be relevant to the
>significance, or success of their project. 
>I take Ari's words: "Indeed, Muzsikas have continued to work on the
>authenticity of their performances of this material" to indicate that, in
>fact, the performance style used on the album wasn't so authentic, but that
>Muzsikas is aware of this, and has worked to improve it. Ari could correct
>me if I'm wrong about what he said.

I'd agree with Matt's statement about the fact that the recording
doesn't sound particularly Jewish, albeit very beautiful. (I'm a
big Muszikas fan.) Bob Cohen, an American klezmer musician based
in Budapest who has done a lot of fieldwork in the area, confirmed
that the musicians got bad advice when they recorded, but, as anyone
who attends their concerts can attest, they have definitely responded
to criticism and done a lot of work to make the music more authentic
to the sound and place whence it came. Bob has his own take on the
dynamic, but he's not yet on this list and I don't want to presume
to speak for him. I do believe other folks on this list are more
closely familiar with the particulars, as well.


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
the klezmer shack:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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