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Another shameless commercial plug

Khaverim --

Okay, I wanted to wait on this until closer to the book's publication
date, but that's tomorrow, so the waiting is over. And thanks Ari for
letting me do this, because there's not much musical content in the book
(I had a sidebar on klezmer but it got excised when my editor made me
cut 100 pages out of a 900-plus-page manuscript).

So, here goes.

Essential Judaism by George Robinson (Pocket Books, $27.95) is getting
terrific reviews and, I'd like to think, earning them on merit. says:
Robinson's background as a journalist proved to be an asset in
this         project, which shows evidence of much detective work, the
results of which are plainly described and clearly organized. Robinson
is sensitive to the many perspectives of contemporary Judaism without
being mealy-mouthed. His work is a triumph of diplomacy and clear
thinking. . . . 

The New York Times (Diane Cole):
Robinson's scope in ''Essential Judaism'' is ambitious and
all-inclusive, from practical information about synagogue services,
ritual observance and holiday customs to deeper, more abstract
discussions of faith, ethics and philosophy. . . . Ultimately, though,
the feature that distinguishes this guide from similar ones is
Robinson's thorough analysis of the          different viewpoints (as
well as the unifying concepts) presented by every branch of Judaism:
Orthodox,Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, even the emergent
Jewish Renewal Movement. 

Kirkus Reviews:
The tone throughout is forthright, with just enough humor to keep you
browsing after youve found the answer you were looking for. Its in the
nature of the enterprise that a great deal of the material in this
formidably comprehensive work is available elsewhere, but even readers
who think their library of Judaica is complete may be surprised and
enlightened by the sidebars on gay and lesbian synagogues, the question
of proselytizing, and opponents of the religious laws of halakhah, from
the Sadducees to the contemporary Reconstructionist movement . . . An
authorial feat that's a reader's feast

Hey, I can cook, too.

Last but not least, you can get a copy, inscribed by the author and make
a contribution to a worthy Jewish cause (and get a small tax deduction,
which I think may also count as a worthy cause). Although the book sells
for $27.95, if you write a check for $30 or more to Beth Am, the
People's Temple (which is the synagogue to which I belong, and a
wonderful place for both the quality of its davening and its music),
I'll send you a personally inscribed copy of Essential Judaism. I won't
get royalties on that one, but frankly I'd rather have BA get the money.

Please contact me off-list on this one (GRComm (at) concentric(dot)net).

Well, as Johnny Mercer would say, I hope you didn't mind my bending your

George Robinson

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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