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Re: Protocols... -sidebar

Adrian Durlester wrote:

> Wolf:
> I am no defender of Henry Ford. However, you present a factually and
> historically inaccurate picture if you fail to mention that Ford's extremist
> viewpoint diminished over the years, and it is possible he regretted some of
> the excesses of his rhetoric later on in his life.

Uh-huhn.  That would account for his selling Ford trucks to the Nazis
by middling them through his buddy  Nicaraguan dictator Samoza-- DURING the


> And I have read far worse comments about Jews made by other Jews. Let's be
> careful about painting with a broad brush, chaverim.
> Adrian
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> > [mailto:owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org]On Behalf Of Kame'a Media
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 11:55 AM
> > To: World music from a Jewish slant
> > Subject: Re: Protocols... -sidebar
> >
> >
> > To the List:
> >
> > I posted this yesterday, but it seems
> > to have vanished in cyberspace,
> > as it did not appear in my Inbox
> > (or yours, I presume). If it did,
> > I apologize for sending it twice.
> >
> > U.S. automaker, Henry Ford, who published
> > the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in his
> > Dearborn Independent (newspaper) in the 1920's
> > had the following to say about Jewish musician
> > George Gershwin:
> >
> > " insidious Jewish menace who infiltrated
> > the world in the form of 'Rhapsody in Blue.'
> > There has to be some way of proving that a
> > Jewish song-plugger from the Lower East Side,
> > who has come up through the ranks of Tin-Pan Alley
> > with little or no formal training, is nothing more
> > than a fraud."
> >
> > Disclaimer:  This posting is is no way meant to imply
> > any collective responsibility of drivers of Ford vehicles,
> > and is presented solely as a public service.
> >
> > Wolf

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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