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Re: Klezmer with a "kuf"

Itzik Gottesman wrote:

> Generally speaking, when Yiddish words originating from Hebrew/Aramaic
> change their definition to a significant degree as in the word "klezmer",
> the spelling is "Yiddishized". Another example would be "Balebos", which
> comes from "Bal-habayis" from means other things in Yiddish. In Yiddish one
> writes it beys, pasekh alef, lamed, ayin, beys, komitz alef, samekh.- Itzik

Shalom Itzik,

    Please can you find another example of exchanging letters in Yiddish, so 
the exchange will occur to non vowels letters?

Moshe Berlin

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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