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Re: explanation; Feldman article

The Feldman article is like so:

"Bulgareasca/Bulgarish/Bulgar: The Transformation of a Klezmer Dance 
Genre," by Walter Feldman, 38(1): pp. 1-35.

Don't know what year that volume and issue number translates into, but any 
good research/university library is going to have the journal Ethnomusicology.

Hope this helps,


At 07:35 AM 2/16/00 -0800, you wrote:
>Thanks to everyone for your replies. The festival itself is the 10th 
>London International JMF which I'm involved in in a very minor way. What I 
>am involved more seriously in is YaD, a new platform for contemporary 
>Jewish arts in the UK that is being launched at a central London nightclub 
>within the above festival. The idea is to bring together 
>musicians/DJs/programmers/visual artists to change perceptions both 
>outside and specifically inside the overwhelmingly secular majority of the 
>community. The night will see the launch of an EP and then follow up gigs 
>around the country and further recordings.
>MY question regarding historical ties between Jewish and 'host' music is 
>directly connected to this project - ie to what extent a fusion of 
>contemporary dance music culture and Jewish musical ideas (be they 
>folk-song adaptations, the use of certain modes or instruments, songs 
>about pickled cucumbers etc) can be seen as a continuing tradition of 
>cultural absorption. Ie how much to traditional klezmer forms owe to 
>pre-existing East European genres - are the klezmer styles distinct in 
>their own right or rather 'dialects' of other genres? Is the relationship 
>between the stateless people's culture and that of the various hosts one 
>of conscious adoption/mutual influence/plagiarism/none of the above?
>I'd be very grateful for any ideas - also if anyone knows where to find a 
>copy of the Feldman article.
>ps Josh - great workshop in Leeds! Sophie certainly remembers it!
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Joel Bresler
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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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