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Re: new cd notes, arabic links

>The schartanz involved a number of dance couples who
>would pay the musicians a combined sum for specific dance music. The
>musicians would receive more in this way than they would for the dances
>paid for by individuals. Coincidentally, Jewish shers tended to be
>longer and more complex than other Jewish dances, thereby  also bringing
>more tantsgeld (dance money).

While it's obvious that you can make more money by having more people
dancing and collecting from all of them at once, I don't understand how you
can make more money by making the dance longer.  You might be able to
charge somewhat more for playing the dance, but wouldn't it be more
profitable to play two short dances, and be paid a slightly smaller amount

Jacob Bloom

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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