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Re: Puff

FOrgot the verse about him getting married and how Little Rabbi Goldberg
now has many Kosher Dragons to teach...

At 23:07 10/02/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>I got this from someone who said that he used to hear this sung in the
>kosher kitchen when he was in college.  It is Jewish music, in a sense.  I
>hope some of you enjoy it.
>Jacob Bloom
>Puff, The Kosher Dragon
>Puff, the kosher Dragon
>Lived in Palestine
>And frolicked in the synagogue
>And drank Shapiro's wine.
>Little Rabbi Goldberg
>Loved that kosher Puff
>And fed him lox and matzoh balls
>And other kosher stuff.
>Then one day it happened
>Puff was eating pork,
>And little Rabbi Goldberg
>Took that dragon for a walk.
>Gently he explained that
>Dragons don't eat meat
>That comes from little piggies that
>Have little dirty feet.
>Puff became bar mitzvahed
>Put on tefillin every day.
>Wrapped up in his tallis, oh
>That's the way he'd pray.
>He said bracha before eating,
>He bentsched after every meal.
>Imagine how religious
>It made that dragon feel.
   ____ \/ ____                                    ____ \/ ____
   \ o \||/ o /                                    \ o \||/ o /
    \ ^ || ^ /       Yehuda and Rebecca Poch        \ ^ || ^ /
     >--||--<       Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel       >--||--<
    / v || v \         butrfly (at) actcom(dot)co(dot)il            / v || v \
   /___/  \___\                                    /___/  \___\


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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