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I got this from someone who said that he used to hear this sung in the
kosher kitchen when he was in college.  It is Jewish music, in a sense.  I
hope some of you enjoy it.

Jacob Bloom

Puff, The Kosher Dragon

Puff, the kosher Dragon
Lived in Palestine
And frolicked in the synagogue
And drank Shapiro's wine.
Little Rabbi Goldberg
Loved that kosher Puff
And fed him lox and matzoh balls
And other kosher stuff.

Then one day it happened
Puff was eating pork,
And little Rabbi Goldberg
Took that dragon for a walk.
Gently he explained that
Dragons don't eat meat
That comes from little piggies that
Have little dirty feet.


Puff became bar mitzvahed
Put on tefillin every day.
Wrapped up in his tallis, oh
That's the way he'd pray.
He said bracha before eating,
He bentsched after every meal.
Imagine how religious
It made that dragon feel.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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