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Sheryl - CD's; Samy el Maghribi- George R

Hi,answering two questions - Sheryl, my CD's are basically only
available through me (thanks for asking!), and Gerineldo's (my old
Moroccan Sephardi group) are occasionally available through Sephardic
House in New York. I can send you a list if you mail me at my address
judithc (at) yorku(dot)ca(dot)
I've answered Joel off-list , that Samy El-Maghribi is indeed in
Montreal (and yes, was my oud teacher aeons ago); his name is Salomon
Amzallag for phone info purposes.
ANd George - THANKS for your article to all of us! (Outside klezmer, for
years I ran what we're pretty sure was the first and for a long time the
only all-women's medieval music group in Montreal, which included a
kids' section of 10-13 year old girls, my students - all of whom are
professional musicians now. We still occasioanlly perform, but changed
our name a long time ago: it used to be from a song by a 14th century
composer Machaut, called "Sanz Cuer". But people, especially men,
objected to the name, which translates of course to "Without HEart". But
hey, it was MAchaut's title, we just sang the thing and it was a zippy
name pronounced Old French style, Sanzz Kwerr....)
Cheers, Judith

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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