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Re: searching for recordings

The Folklyric recording has six tracks recorded circa 1910. The rest are of
later vintage. The Rounder recording has 4 tracks c.1910, two of which are
from Belf's which you already have.

Kurt Bjorling sells resource tapes that contain some of the same and
additional c.1910 recordings by the same artists. While he doesn't date
them on the tapes, you can ask him for dates. Examples: "Jewish Violinists"
Vol. 1 includes recordings by Josef Solinski and Oscar Zehngut. Vol. 2
includes recordings by H. Steiner and Leon Ahl. Kurt also has a tape
dedicated solely to Belf's recordings.

Kurt can be reached at (847)475-3905 or Muziker (at) aol(dot)com(dot) I believe 
he's in
town now, but soon will be on tour.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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