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Re: pidyon haben

>> Last night we played music for a pidyon haben or redemption? ceremony 
>> and  reception. I've only seen this once before in Melbourne. I 
>understand the
>> redemption ceremony occurs on day 30 after birth of first-born 
>non-levite/cohen boy. 
>> Does anyone know if this ceremony used to be more common or is  common
>> elsewhere?   Any information about music, for example as the baby is
>brought into 
>> the room?  thanks Ernie

Rachel's response was pretty accurate, but I can perhaps shed some more
light on why they appear to be so rare.
In order to have a pidyon haben, the following conditions must be met:
- The child is a boy.
- The child is a first-born to its mother.
- The father must not be a kohen or a levi.
- The mother must not come from a kohen or levi family.
- There is a difference of opinion among rabbis as to whether a previous
pregnancy (miscarriage, still-birth) renders a baby inelligible.
The generally accepted practice is that if a miscarriage takes place in a
first pregnancy, and if it takes place in the first three months, then the
next child can have a pidyon haben (provided he meets all the other
conditions).  But if it takes place after 3 months, then it is considered a
first pregnancy, and the next child may not have a pidyon haben.
THere are other halachic details in this issue, so consult your local
orthodox rabbi.
   ____ \/ ____                                    ____ \/ ____
   \ o \||/ o /                                    \ o \||/ o /
    \ ^ || ^ /       Yehuda and Rebecca Poch        \ ^ || ^ /
     >--||--<       Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel       >--||--<
    / v || v \         butrfly (at) actcom(dot)co(dot)il            / v || v \
   /___/  \___\                                    /___/  \___\


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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