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NYC 2/6 Nashi Traditsii Festival


Nashi Traditsii 2000
Sunday, February 6th   Brooklyn, New York

The Center for Traditional Music and Dance
in Collaboration with the Nashi Traditsii Organizing Committee presents
"A Celebration of Mountain Jewish  Culture: Traditional Music, Dance and

Daytime free workshops:

1pm   Comparative Religious Songs (Bukharan and possibly Ashkenazic) -
this should be excellent!

2pm   Mountain Jewish Dance Workshop with Dvhulyetta Elizarova
(presented by Carol Freeman)
            this is an opportunity to learn the basic dances that will
be danced later on that evening,
            so you will be able to join in on the fun)

2pm   Panel - Yiddish Art and Popular song (presented by Michael Alpert)

3pm   Roots of Klezmer Workshop (presented by Michael Alpert)

at the Shorefront Y, 3300 Coney Island Avenue, Brooklyn
(1 block from the Brighton Beach stop on the D train)

Concert, Banquet, and Dance Party

Sunday Feb 6, 5 - 9PM
Atlantic Oceana Restaurant 1029 Brighton Beach Avenue, Brooklyn
$35.00 performance and banquet, cash bar

Concert featuring

Musicians from the Mountain Jewish community (of Azerbaijan, Dagestan,
Kabardan, and other
regions of the Caucasus) will feature three generations of the Elizarov
Family, including:

Khanuko Elizarov - SPECIAL GUEST PERFORMER from Israel
Tereza Elizarova
Ensemble Tereza, with Ruslan Agababayev

Jeffrey Werbock (kemancha or spike fiddle)
Dancers from the Mountain Jewish Community
Ensemble Shashmaqam with dancing by Firuza Jagodaeva
          (Bokharan [Central Asian]Jewish folk and classical music and
Di Molever Kompanye with Old World klezmer clarinetist German

A dance party with music played by Ensemble Tereza will follow the

This is a great opportunity to participate in a Mountain Jewish
community event where non-community members are enthusiastically
welcomed. (Some of the members of this community are really wonderful
dancers.) The food should be plentiful and great as well.

It's best to get tickets in advance. Call CTMD at 212-571-1555 for info
and tickets.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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