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RE: Khevrisa

I'm very much in agreement as to the music being beautiful, but
I =would= agree with a description of their performance at Ashkenaz '99
or at KlezKanada, as still being stiff and somewhat more like a lecture 
than a performance. I did think that they were then still new to performing

Obviously, that spark has been discovered (as one might presume when
musicians that experienced and that good are playing together), as 
the reviewer who started this thread described. Cool! Or, k001! as
the young uns say :-).

If the record is as good as the musicians and the music, it will
absolutely be a "must buy."

At 09:47 AM 1/21/00 -0500, you wrote:
>They certainly were wonderful.   And I can't understand why one or two 
>people described the Ashkenaz experience as sitting in a museum observing 
>artifacts.   All the music was new and unknown to me and the experience 
>very fresh.   No one would say they were sitting in a museum after watching 
>a Chekov or Strindberg play or listening to an English ballad from the same 
>This record is definitely a must buy for anyone who really cares about 
>understanding Jewish music.
>From:  Sonja Kalmering [SMTP:kalmer (at) jmk(dot)su(dot)se]
>Sent:  Thursday, January 20, 2000 9:09 PM
>To:  World music from a Jewish slant
>Subject:  Re: Khevrisa
>>Had the opportunity to hear Khevrisa at the home of the Cleveland 
>>Severance Hall, this past Monday.  Wonderful old European Klez fidl and
>>tsimbl.  They certainly did not play long enough.  Their album on
>>Smithsonian Folkways, if I'm not mistaken, will be out in the spring.
>>Listen for it!
>>No, this was not a paid advertisement.
>>Mazel tov, Steve and Zev!
>>Lori Cahan-Simon
>Another not paid advertisment and a Big Mazel tov, based on seeing them
>live at Ashkenaz!
>>From Sonja Kalmering
>PS Make sure that CD will be flying... all the way to Scandinavia! (or at
>least make sure to announce to list when it'll be out at all).

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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