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di frosh

I was watching a Tom and Jerry cartoon with my 4 year old this evening
(Tom was trying to rest in a hammock) when Jerry saw a frog and got an
idea of how to harrass Tom.  Under the close up of the frog was music
that I immediately identified as "Di Frosh", and I thought, "Hmm, that's
mighty interesting".  As I was recreating it in my mind (the cartoon
had, of course, gone on), I found myself thinking about "Froggy Went a
Courtin'" and got confused.  Which was which?  Which one was the tune I

Who wrote the music for "Di Frosh"?  The Lyrics are attributed to
Yehoash.  Any clues?  Any ideas about the similarity between the tunes
aside from the obvious?

Curious, as always, sometimes blue, but never yellow,

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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