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Re: What Is Jewish Music? (revisited!)

GAronoff (at) aol(dot)com wrote:
> Robert -
> Interesting point regarding the incorporation of Jewish music into non-Jewish
> or vice versa.  Clearly Shlomo et al were primarily Jewish musicians who
> borrowed from their non-Jewish musical environment.  But what do you make of
> musicians who mostly make music that is Jewish only in the ethnicity of the
> artist, but then make a single clearly Jewish recording.  Steven Bernstein's
> album "Diaspora Soul" is a gulf coast jazz setting of traditional Jewish
> tunes.  I doubt if Steven would consider himself a "Jewish Musician" (note
> the quotation marks) after just one disc.  But to my ear this is a valuable
> contribution to Jewish music that incorporates jazz into the Jewish musical
> tradition.
> I think that Skip's point about intention is important in understanding
> "Diaspora Soul" since, even from the minimal information provided with Tzadik
> releases, Steven is trying to make his form of Jewish music.  While I don't
> think we can compare experimenters and dabblers to someone like Shlomo - who
> is a central figure in Jewish music - on the periphery they make an important
> contribution to Jewish music.  In another genre, while Kinky Friedman is no
> Naftule Brandwein, his intention to create a Jewish form of country music is,
> in my opinion, a valuable contribution to the ever expanding spectrum of
> Jewish music.
> Gideon

Our poet from Dagestan Rasul Gamzatov when he was asked whose poet is
Omar Khayam - Persian or Tadjik - answered that all could find their
place in the culture - both Tajiks and Persians, and Uzbeks, and
Russians, Dagestanians etc. I think - here is the same situation. Like
Rasul Gamzatov said - all the people can find the place in such a great


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