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Re: Hungarian Fiddle Sheet Music

The best printed music you can get on exactly that music are the
transcriptions by the excellent violinist and Musicologist Andras
Vavrinecz (who has also played with the groups you mention and has done
the field work in the Szatmar region of Transylvania that Muszikas
dabbles in) and Marta Viragvolgyi. There are 2 books, called Szatmari
Nepzene I and II, Tiszakorod. They are published by Neptancosok Szakmai
Haza, supported by the Cultural Ministry, Budapest 1992. If you contact
the Ferenc Liszt Academy or Bartok Archives, I'm sure someone can direct
you to an outlet. I don't have their home page, but it shouldn't be
difficult to get. The publications are not for beginners. They come
complete with ornamented Transcriptions explanations, history and
ethnographic stuff. Very high quality work. A smattering of English
appears. Josh   
> I play the fiddle and adore Muzsikas and Magyarpalatka, but they play so =
> fast and with such instrumentation that it's very difficult to figure =
> out the notes.  Do you know where it is possible to get sheet music of =
> these or any Hungarian/gypsy/Romanian or Eastern European music?  =
> Harmonic minor -- give it to me, I can never have enough of it!  Thanks.
> ***************************************************
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