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Re: Jews and the Blues

attn. David Julian,

I've recorded a few pieces combining slide acoustic guitar and klezmer
influenced scales and melodies on my recent releases, Metamorphosis (CD)
and Bottlenecking: Blues and Beyond (Book/CD), that might be appropriate
for your KlezBlues program. I lived in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
and West Va for 17 years, I guess that might qualify me as a southerner, as
well. Please feel free to contact me off-list and I'll get you a copy of
this to use in the program.

Seth Austen

>My synagogue in Memphis, Tennessee, is embarking on a religious school
>project which will culminate in a depiction of Jews of the South.  I am
>hunting for any KlezBlues music to incorporate into the program.  Any
>ideas/references will be greatly appreciated.  // Cantor David Julian

McDuffee's General Store & Recording Co.
Seth Austen & Beverly Woods
3 Pork Hill Rd Ossipee, NH 03864
(603) 539-8301
acoustic (at) landmarknet(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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