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(adv.) Coming Friday, Dec. 3 - Chanuka! Gift ideas...

This year, give the gift of klezmer and other Yiddish music!

Here are a few ideas. For more, visit (secure on-line ordering available), email us or call us.

* Chicago Klezmer Ensemble's "Sweet Home Bukovina" (Kurt Bjorling of Brave Old
World, Deborah Strauss of Klezmer Conservatory Band, etc.) CD, $17
* Andy Statman's "Between Heaven & Earth" CD $14 or
* Klezmokum's (from Holland) "ReJewVenation" CD $18

* nearly-traditional "Nigunim" with Lorin Sklamberg and Frank London of the
Klezmatics and pianist Uri Cane. CD, $14

* "Songs of the Breslever Hasidim Today" Rabbi Yaakov Klein accompanied by Andy
Statman on mandolin and clarinet, cs. $10

Yiddish song:
* Wolf Krakowski's overlooked gem - rock/Motown "Transmigrations" $14

* pre-war European "Jewish Freilach Songs Played and Sung by 'Prince' Nazaroff"
from Odessa, cs. & booklet $10 from Smithsonian

* the choral "In Love and in Struggle: The Musical Legacy of the Jewish
Labor Bund" CD/booklet $18 (limited supply of cs./booklet available, $12)

* Gilbert & Sullivan songs (in Yiddish, of course) - 2 titles:
* Pinafore
* Mikado
CD: $12, cs. $9

* folio/songbook with a long introduction: "The Music of Abraham Goldfaden:
Father of the Yiddish Theater" 169 pp. softcover, $27

For kids:
"Oy Vey Chanukah!" (klezmer, corny jokes, stories) CD: $12.50, cs. 7.99?

"Challah and Latkes: Stories for Shabbat and Hanukkah" told by Cindy Rivka Marshall in a dramatic and captivating voice. Traditional Eastern-European Jewish folk tales, or inspired by same. Cs. only, $10.

"Aaron's Magic Village" video based on I.B. Singer stories: $17.99

"Enough Already", animated video featuring Rabbi Joe Black based on an old country story whose moral is that its good to be aware of what you have to be glad about! $17.99

* A Taste of Chanukah: Theodore Bikel narrates & sings to Hankus (Klezmer
Conservatory Band) Netsky's inimitable mix of Yiddish, Ladino, Hebrew - and
gospel! instrumental and vocal styles. Features a traditional cantor (Morton
Shames) and an incredible gospel-style "Dreydl".

* "Oy Chanukah", Produced for WGBH, Klezmer Conservatory Band's song and instrumental celebration witpsoken word, classic and new tunes. CD $15, cs. $9

* Great Cantors in Cinema. Video $36

* "Tzaytvaylike Lider" original poems by Sylvia Schildt (Yiddish with English translation), booklet $20.


--------------------------Three ways to order-------------------

1. Order on-line with your VISA or Mastercard:

2. Call or fax our toll-free number - 1-877-YIDDISH.

3. Send check or money order (in U.S. funds) to:
a bisl yidishkayt
P.O. Box 400331
Cambridge, MA 02140-0004

A) Shipping costs for U.S. addresses are as follows (elsewhere please inquire about our reasonable air-mail rates): (please note, cost is to each address specified. For example, sending two gifts of CDs to two addresses costs $4)

CD: $2
cs.: $1.75
video: $4.50 (priority mail)
2 CDs: $3.50, 3-4 CDs $4.50 (sent priority mail)
2 cassettes: $2.25
3-6 cassettes: $4.50
for other quantities, please call us - 1-877-YIDDISH

B) If you live in Massachusetts, please add 5% to the cost of your order before shipping.

C) GIFT WRAPPING IS AVAILABLE! And we can mail to your giftee.
Cost is $1.50 per item, including a "Happy Chanukah from ____" tag.

a freylekhn khanuke! (happy Khanuke!)

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