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Workmen's Circle Klezmer Ensemble Continues

I'm pleased to announce that our weekly klezmer ensemble sessions in NYC 
continue to flourish.  We have a great group, and we welcome new members.  
Please see the press release below for more details. 

Jeff Warschauer  


For Immediate Release
Contact:  Lucia Greenfield
212.889.6800 ext. 220
nyrprogram (at) circle(dot)org


NEW YORK, November 12, 1999 - Renewed interest in klezmer music is "a
remarkable revitalization, not a revival" remarks Jeff Warschauer,
acclaimed klezmer musician, scholar, composer and Yiddish singer.  Mr.
Warschauer will be continuing his series of wildly popular klezmer
workshops at The Workmen's Circle.

Klezmer is a cheerful celebration of Jewish heritage and Yiddish
culture, a living reflection of the past, present and future.  The music
bridges the gap between generations as well as being common ground for
people from all walks of life.

The New York Region of The Workmen's Circle/Arbeter Ring produced the
workshop as part of its commitment to Yiddish and Jewish culture,
identity and community.  It is more than your average music course - the
rich historical background Warschauer draws from enriches his students
understanding and experience and helps them to create a "living" music.

The course is geared towards intermediate level (both in reading and
playing) students who wish to gain ensemble experience.  In past
courses, instruments have included the violin, clarinet, guitar, flute,
mandolin, alto sax, trombone, accordion, drums and piano - all
instruments are a welcome addition.

Warschauer employs an unconventional and highly successful method for
helping the students learn the music.  He teaches the melody first
through song - participants must be able to sing the melody exactly
before they are allowed to perform it - and when they begin to play are
quickly in tune and in unison.  The instructor then provides positive
feedback, fostering a supportive environment.

For some, the workshop marks a return to an instrument played long ago,
while others are new to the style.  Still others are returning to a
family tradition.  Whatever the case, all are made to feel welcome as
they share in a joyous tradition.

The Klezmer Workshop with Jeff Warschauer will meet Tuesday evenings,
from 7:00-9:00pm, beginning December 7th at The Workmen's Circle/Arbeter
Ring building at 45 East 33rd Street, between Park and Madison Avenues. 
The cost for the five-week course is $120 for Workmen's Circle members,
$150 for non-members.  For more information, please call 212.889.6800
ext. 220.

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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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