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Re: Old Bwy Music Series


I received your phone message yesterday; thanks for your timely response.

We'll probably do a local Hannukah party with stories and songs and begin
the music series next year. So I will be in touch. 

I'm presently listening to your CD; it's very enjoyable. What is that
hammer/plucked instrument on the Bulgar? Anyway, it might be nice for your
two sets to include some demonstration of different Klezmer forms and
genres. That way we can promote it as something of an enjoyable
learning--as opposed to partying--experience.

As soon as I line up my third act, I'll be in touch re: scheduling. As you
suggested, it would be better to have everyone in place for promotion purposes.

Sorry things didn't work out, but I am glad the reason is that you all are

Best wishes,

Eliott Kahn

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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