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vu nemt men?

We're going to be performing for a dinner of a society of Jewish doctors in
a few weeks and I had a whim that we should sing a Yiddish song or two that
refer to doctors.  Aside from those penned by Reuben Doctor that have
nothing to do with medicine, I have a vague recollection of a love song
that has a line that goes something like:

vu nemt men aza dokter vos ken mayn hartz....

(where can one find the kind of doctor who will fix my broken heart?)

Does anyone remember what the song is?  It's not really on a medical topic
either, but I think the doctors will enjoy it.

Zayt gezunt (be healthy),

Yosl (Joe) Kurland
The Wholesale Klezmer Band
Colrain, MA 01340
voice/fax: 413-624-3204

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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