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Hot Latkes -- interesting new klezmer album

A couple of people have written recently asking for album releases
this year worth exploring further. Aside from the obvious ones like
the new Flying Bulgars (Tsirkus), I got some time tonight to give a
first listen to the debut album of London, Ontario's Hot Latkes band,
"Eine Kleine Klezmermuzik."

Although much of the album covers well-known Jewish territory--the
obligatory "Cuando el Rey Nimrod" and "Rumenia, Rumenia" and "Ot Azoi,"
they do so with a surprising freshness and skill. I'd be tempted to
post to this list about the band just on those grounds, but I also
have to call people's attention to the album's opening suite, "Eine
Kleine Klezmermuzik," which resembles a bit of PDQ Bach playing klezmer,
or Shirim doing to Beethoven and Mozart that which they have already
done to Satie and Tchaikovsky. 

These guys are very good!
e-mail: dcgolden (at) netcom(dot)ca

or you can get the basics from their klezmershack listing,


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
the klezmer shack:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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