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Balkan Benefit CD

Anyone interested in Balkan music, or in buying a CD to benefit Doctors 
Without Borders should check out the new disc Balkans without Borders 

This disc is packed with contemporary takes (trad and experimental) on Balkan 
music, and it helps a good cause.

The requisite Jewish angle:  The Klezmatics' "An Undoing World" and Israeli 
Singer Meira Asher's "Tiring Night."  

Punk-folk fans should check out Farmers Market who do an amazing thrash 
version of a trad Bulgarian Kopanica.  Like good punks the song is intense 
and lasts one minute - what I wish all of the Kleta Red songs would have 
done.  I've heard of a wandering Jew, but I don't know about a wandering 


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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