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Cataloguing and International Conference on Jewish Music

The Jewish Music Heritage Trust in London, backed by the International
Collection of the National Sound Archive of the British Library, is
developing a user friendly affordable Jewish Music Cataloguing System, which
is particularly suitable for the special needs of Jewish music, both
recorded and in print in both small private collections and larger ones. 

The idea is to perfect it and make it available at reasonable cost to all
collections large and small for their own purposes and to have a master
catalogue on the Web. I would like to know if any collectors on this Jewish
Music list would like to help by testing out the system. We would like to
know your views on whether they would find it helpful that there will be an
approved and definitive system, so that all our collections will be
compatibly catalogued. 

The system could eventually be expanded into a veritable encyclopaedia, where 
you could all add documents and information on the genres, the artists, 
composers etc. details
of the product, the text, the composition and the use of the composition. 
Ultimately it could have the music in it as well as well as printed scores. 
Obvious copyright issues will be cleared. 

We are planning to hold a special session of next year's London University,
International Conference on Jewish Music at the British Library, hosted by the 
national sound archives and we invite those interested to submit papers for 
discussion. I will append after my signature a Conference Call for papers. All 
queries to Alexander Knapp at University of London email ak42 (at) 

If you would like to help in the trials of the system, please email me and
give me some idea of your own collection, how you catalogue it and any
special information that you think would be useful to us in the development
of this project. Eg what do you specially want to know if you are
consulting a catalogue of Jewish Music eg, the instrumentation, the voices
it is set for, the date of composition or recording.

please reply to Geraldine Auerbach
Jewish Music Heritage Trust
P O Box 232 Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 2NE
Tel +44 (0)181 909 2445, Fax +44 (0)181 909 1030
E-mail: jewishmusic (at) jmht(dot)org

Conference Call for Papers

London International 
School of Oriental and African Studies 
University of London
Sunday 25 -Thursday 29 June 2000
Conference Director: Alexander Knapp

Announcement and Call for papers
Music in Jewish Communities: 
Dispersal, Displacement and Identity
Keynote speakers: 
Professor Israel Adler, Chairman of the Academic Committee
Jewish Music Research Centre, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Professor Alexander Ringer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 

Jewish diasporas are normally seen as emanating outward from ancient and
modern Israel.  But Jewish culture has taken root and developed within
other environments from which new diasporas have spread elsewhere,
including a return to Israel.

Papers addressing issues of change, under the following broad categories,
are invited for consideration:

1. Classical music traditions:   is there a definable Jewish identity?
2. Folk music and dance traditions:   the absorption of local influences
into Jewish music and the promotion of regional styles to a wider or
international audience.
3. Liturgical music traditions:   contacts with other religions; the extent
to which a separate Jewish identity has been maintained, and the extent to
which such contacts have led to musical inter-influence.
4. Issues of gender:   the place of men's and women's music in Jewish life;
roles and modes of expression.

If you would like to present a 20-minute paper, please reply as soon as
possible and send an abstract of 200 words to arrive no later than 30
September 1999 (by email if possible). It is intended to publish a book of
selected papers from the conference. 
Please send the form below to:
Alexander Knapp, Joe Loss Lecturer in Jewish Music, Music Department, SOAS,

University of London, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG, 
email ak42 (at) soas(dot)ac(dot)uk  Tel: +44 171 691 3410  Fax +44 171 637 6182

Organised by the Committee for the London Jewish Music Conference 2000
I should like to attend the London International Jewish Music Conference
SOAS, 25-29 June 2000.  
[   ]Please send me more information and a registration form. 
[   ] Please send further copies of this announcement to the persons
[   ] I can't come but should like to be kept informed.  
(Please use  Block Capitals)
I should like to present a paper: provisional title .....................
[   ] I shall send an abstract by 30 September 1999.
Title and Surname ............ Forenames.................
Position ................ Institution ....................
Tel .................. Fax  ......................
E-mail................ Date.......................

From: Geraldine Auerbach
Jewish Music Heritage Trust
P O Box 232 Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 2NE
Tel +44 (0)181 909 2445, Fax +44 (0)181 909 1030
E-mail: jewishmusic (at) jmht(dot)org

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