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queries -- philosopher song; celia dropkin

just a pair of queries--

   first, i'm wondering whether anyone (or a combination of people) has 
lyrics (yidish and english translation) for the various versions of the 
'philosopher' song ("hey, philosopher, come sit at the rebbe's table...").
   at the bund centennial concert, adrienne cooper performed 3 versions: 
khasidic, zionist/socialist, and bundist.  does anyone have words for these? 
or for any other incarnations?

   second, has anyone besides the klezmatics recorded settings of celia 
dropkin's poetry (counting the disco versions of "es vilt zikh mir zen" on 
frank london's "the shvitz" as klezmatics records for the moment)?

   thanks much for any knowledge/thoughts/help you can pass on...
zayt gezunt


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