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Re: Looking for women's bands for article

>From the Klezmershack:

Tsatskelehs, the all-grrrl klezmer band in Minneapolis, MN
consists of clarinet, violin, trombone, guitar, bass, accordion or
keyboards, percussion, and vocals. To play up the satire of our
name we dress in gender-bending costumes, some of us butch, some
of us femme. No gig is off limits for us except to raise money for the
NRA or Birthright. We'll do anything (well, just about) to play klez.
Contact: Judith Eisner, 3957-12th Av. So. Minnepolis, MN. 55407.
Phone 612-822-9236. E-mail: muell035 (at) tc(dot)umn(dot)edu

and, one that includes two generations of klezmer women in Philly:

KlezMs. breaks the traditional klezmer mold. KlezMs. combines the
very finest in old-world Eastern European Jewish folk music with the
hypnotic rhythms of the Middle East and spices it with jazz, culminating
in the KlezMs. sound, traditional klezmer, with a twist. Comprised of a
diverse group of five dynamic women, including a mother/daughter duo
that represent third and fourth generation klezmer musicians, Klezms.
has been delighting audiences from small intimate parties to extravagant
events for thousands. The  KlezMs demo tape is now
available online in RealAudio format. Contact: KlezMs., 449 Highland
Ave., Merion Station, PA 19066. (610) 667-8286.
KlezMs (at) AOL(dot)com or IBGLICKMAN (at) AOL(dot)com (Irene Glickman)

At 02:29 AM 10/17/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Khaverim --
>After a lot of debate and careful consideration, my editor and I agreed
>that the "next big thing" in Jewish music was women-led and all-woman
>bands. Some obvious names came to mind -- Mikveh, Pharoah's Daughter --
>but I'm certain there are more of you out there and I _know_ from
>first-hand experience with this list that nothing produces results
>quicker than asking list members.
>So, if you are in such a band or can put me in contact with one that I
>don't know about, please drop me a note off-line (GRComm (at) 

Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com
list owner, jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
the klezmer shack:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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