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Email & Snail-Mail Update

As of October 15 my new email address will be:

uravreml (at) aol(dot)com

for those of you who are aol members, simply:  Uravreml

(the name "avreml" was taken, and I like the coincidence of "ur"-anything
in German with the fact that Avram came from Ur, and well... it was the
best I could do.)

It would be very helpful to me in rebuilding my address book if you could
send quick "hello, Alan" to the new email address.

My snail-mail information is:

Alan Bern
Schinkestrasse 22
12047 Berlin
tel: +49 30 69 50 47 73
fax: +49 30 693 6706 (make sure my name is at the top, this is a copy shop)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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