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Re: "elevating" folk music

A belated response to Robert Cohen's observations:

{This ideal of "elevating" (Jewish) folk music was, of course, likewise an 
impelling idea--maybe _the_ impelling idea, in addition to collecting 
same--behind the formation of the Society for Jewish Folk Music in St. 
Petersburg in 1908 (inspired by Joel Engel and, to an important extent, by 
Rimsky-Korsakov, and including such founding members as Lazare Saminsky, 
Solomon Rosowsky, and Ephraim Skliar--who, along with other early members, 
studied with R-K.)....}

For anyone who'd like to hear some of the St. Petersburg group's compositions 
-- I'll be singing a sampling of them as part of a concert Nov. 15 at the 
Donnell Library.  Obviously, I like them a lot, and I think there's room 
under the roof of Jewish music for classical approaches to Yiddish (and 
Hebrew) song.  
If you've never heard this kind of approach and want to decide on the merits, 
here's your chance.  Admission is free, the concert is at 2:30 pm Nov. 15 at 
20 W. 53rd St., NY, NY.  (I know the time is awkward, and may be putting 
together an encore performance on an evening or weekend. )
Thanks - Ilana

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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