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Re: New Sephardic CDs

Hi, all.

Hazzan Sylvain Elzam has prepared 4 CDs of his music, originating in 
Morocco, Salonika Greece, Turkey and Jerusalem, several containing Ladino 
selections. His primary site is on Geocities. With most email programs you 
can just click on the Geocities URL below for more information. Otherwise, 
type that address into your web browser. You can also hear plentiful 
samples of the selections at that Web address.

The CDs are also offered for sale at eBay and Amazon (presumably -- I 
haven't checked it out) by following the instructions below.

Voila!  Demystified <G>


At 11:06 AM 10/7/99 -0700, you wrote:
>This, on the oher hand, Joel (as opposed to the felicitous reminder re 
>Sat. nite Brandeis concert) was mystifying.  Just _what_ CDs are you 
>advising us of here?!  What titles/labels?  Please clarify!--Robert
>>>X-Sender: sylvain (at) postoffice(dot)worldnet(dot)att(dot)net
>>>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Light Version 3.0.6 (32)
>>>Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 09:43:07 -0400
>>>To: Joel Bresler <jbresler (at) ma(dot)ultranet(dot)com>
>>>From: Sylvain <sylvain (at) postoffice(dot)worldnet(dot)att(dot)net>
>>>Subject: Re: New CDs
>>>The artist is Hazzan Sylvain Elzam (Over 35 Years as Hazzan) The Traditions
>>>represented are:
>>>Morocco, Salonika Greece, Turkey and Jerusalem.
>>>Payment method is via personal Check or money order.
>>>Ebay and Amazon , the URL's are
>>>If you do a search on "sephardic" you will get to the item.
>>>I hope this answers all.
>>>If you are still interested, let me know and I'll send you the CD's you
>>>The URL
>>>list all of the melodies on each CD as well as sample audio you may listen
>>>to in Realaudio.

Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420 USA

Home:           781-862-2432
Home Office:    781-862-4104
FAX:            781-862-0498
Cell:           781-622-0309
Email:          jbresler (at) ma(dot)ultranet(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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