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Re: Keep it up, Josh and Hayyim

HI Josh:

Thank you; yes, I saw it.

Dirty Linen  sends the artist/record company a tearsheet when they review.
Ed Silverman reviewed "Transmigrations", too -- which is nice for me because he
can better understand where "Unbounded" is coming from.
The Lonesome Brothers, as usual, rock hard -- and jazz veteran, trumpet-player
Raphe Malik contributes his remarkable talent.

David Isabelle on saxophones rounds out the original "Transmigrations" line-up
that includes Daniel Lombardo (percussion) and the Velvelettes (Jaye Simms, 
Smith Selavka and Fraidy Katz on back-up vocals).

"Unbounded", being an English-language singer-songwriter roots-rock effort -- 
not  a "Jewish" release, per se, -- falls into a much bigger pond.  But more
reviews are starting to appear.

George Robinson reviewed it in New York Jewish Week last week.
This week, the same review, George writes,  will appear in the Jewish press
in Detroit and Los Angeles.

We'll try to get the latest reviews  up on the Kame'a Media website:     soon.

Interested journalists can contact me off list for a review copy.

With best wishes for a happy and harmonious New Year,

Wolf Krakowski

Joshua Horowitz wrote:

> > I would like salute the depth and breadth of Josh's musical scholarship, 
> > too.
>  Thank G-d, such erudition does not get in the way of his playing.
> Hi Wolf,
> Thanks for the support. With a list like this who needs a therapist? Hey
> Wolf, congrats on the review in Dirty Linen by Ed Silverman. Did you
> read it? If not I can copy and send. It came right after a review on the
> (old) Budowitz record so we're in good company. I was happy to see you
> get some recognition....gut yontif and all that stuff.. Josh

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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