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Re: Keep it up, Josh!

At 08:14 PM 09/09/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>You wrote: "I'll stop here, because my emails really are long and it's
starting to
>embarass me."  Dos iz narishkayt [This is foolishness]!    I, for one, am
very grateful for your 
>long explanations.  They are fascinating and informative.  I read them
over quickly and save them 
>for more detailed review and reference later! And, I DO go back and
re-read them.  Please, please 
>don't be embarassed!  The amount of excellent information I have learned
from you and Judith Cohen 
>is simply invaluable and why, in major part, I continue to subscribe to
this list!  

Hear, Hear!

Lori Cahan-Simon

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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