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Re: Pete Seeger, Ladino, Ashkenaz

Dear Judith,

<<    I'm not sure why Simon is so worried about defending Joel, whom, as he 
> said, scholars, including myself, respect for the work he's been doing 
> and his initiative in doing it. Did I ever say anything negative about 
> him??  >>

I never knew that I WAS defending Joel.  Joel has done me a great service by 
helping me learn of new recordings and of artists in which I might have an 
interest. Any opinion I may have, is mine entirely.

Your many postings have been of great help to me as well, matter of fact I 
have carried Gerineldo Cds at Hatikvah for approx. 3 years, and can recommend 
them HIGHLY.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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