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klez-derived music tonight in Toronto

Shalom ya'll,

For those of us heading up to Toronto (or already there) for the
Ashkenaz Festival, there is a possibly-interesting Shabbes-eve
event tonight at the Free Times Cafe, 320 College (416 967 1078).
It's a band called "Beyond the Pale," which bills itself this week
as "Gypsy Klezmer." Other weeks they're a bluegrass band or something
in between. Eve Monzinga, who is part of the esteemed Chicago Klezmer
Ensemble will be there, which suggests a good time and good playing.
A couple of summers ago, Eve toured with Di Naye Kapelye, out of Budapest.
Showtime is 9pm. I'm not sure how much it costs.

We're hoping to make it--assuming we make good time from Boston this
afternoon and actually pull into the Toronto area before 10pm. I look
forward to seeing anyone from the list who is able to come by.

Otherwise, we are planning to meet for coffee and shmooze somewhere
at Harbourfront prior to Havdalah Saturday night. I'm in consultation
with Judith Cohen as to the best time and place. And, of course, there
is the wonderful, wonderful Ashkenaz Parade which meets around noon and
departs 1pm on Sunday from Toronto's Bellevue Square Park, in Kensington
Market. As someone who spent years admiring Chinese New Year parades in 
San Francisco, it gives me a thrill to be in a similarly noisy Jewish 
parade (not at all like our relatively sedate political marches) ambling 
with the puppets and music and banners of a Jewish parade through what is 
now Toronto's Chinatown, down to the harbor. I'll be one of the people
wearing a "KlezmerShack" t-shirt.

Hope to see members of the list who are in town and attach some names to
faces and catch up with folks I haven't seen since the last such event.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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