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Re: Beregovski's Book rerelease?

On 8/30/99, Ari wrote:
>I believe that Mark Slobin is about to rerelease his translation.

At KlezKanada, I heard two different versions of this, both from faculty.
The first was that an expanded version was going to be published. The second
was that new material would be published, but at least some, if not all of
the material found in the original 1982 edition would not be included.

I wonder if anyone has more definitive information. It would make a
difference regarding whether or not it is worthwhile trying to obtain a copy
of the 1982 edition. It seems that enough people are looking for it now to
make it difficult to find.

Matt Jaffey

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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