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Re: Residents

The Residents are entirely spoof, so it would be odd if this
were otherwise; but it's a nasty reminder--the cartoonist who
did "Mr. Natural", and many other wonderful cartoons, also did a
spoof of antisemitic literature that got reprinted as serious by 
many neo-Nazi groups. There are types of satire that probably 
aren't a good idea. (And oy, how could I forget this person's name?)


At 09:04 AM 8/12/99 -0400, you wrote:
>After the shooting in LA on Tuesday I imagine that we're all en garde
>about neo-Nazism and white supremacism.  Hopefully it's not the tip of
>an iceberg, but just an(other) warning of what people are capable of
>thinking and doing.
>It reminded me that I never asked about the following generally
>available album.  Again, excerpts can be heard on (most) computers:
>Residents : Third Reich 'N' Roll
>(including "Hitler Was A Vegetarian" #2)
>Is this a "Springtime for Hitler" type spoof (I hope) or not?

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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