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Re: Fwd: deprecate/depreciate

It's a breath mint!  No, it's a candy mint!  Six of one.  Half-dozen of
another.  This, I believe, is the essence of the Certs reference.  (The old
TV commercial)

  At 08:34 PM 7/31/99 PDT, you wrote:
>Uh, I don't get the Certs reference.  Yes, "deprecate" has, by repeated 
>mis-usage, now come, lexicographically, to mean "depreciate" as an 
>additional meaning, but no good writer or speaker should use it that way!  
>Deprecate comes from same root as "imprecation," means to curse.  
>"Depreciate" is opp. of "appreciate":  to increase in value (like a stock) 
>or value highly.  So "depreciate"=to decrease in value (like a stock); 
>disparage or belittle.  So it's always (or shd always be) 
>"self-depreciating," not "self-deprecating" humor.  Whereas, I hurl 
>imprecations at those who use the one word to mean the other. Is everybody 
>happy?--or, at least, better informed (he says snottily, but not 
>>From: Owen Davidson <owend (at) tp(dot)net>
>>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>>Subject: Re: Fwd: Fw: Is this Yiddish legal?
>>Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 01:58:15 +0000
>>dep-re-cate ...3. to depreciate, belittle
>>-Random House Webster's College Dictionary
>>And Certs is a candy mint, too!
>>Robert Cohen wrote:
>> > _I_ think this is priceless!  But it's "depreciate," not
>> > "deprecate"--illiterates!! (in English!)
>> >
>>Owen Davidson
>>Amherst  Mass
>>The Wholesale Klezmer Band
>>The Angel that presided o'er my birth
>>Said Little creature formd of Joy and Mirth
>>Go Love without the help of any King on Earth
>>Wm. Blake
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Lori Cahan-Simon

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