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Re: Being sensitive to a Yiddishe crowd

MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> Example: Once I hired two very good jazz musicians (clarinet, piano) to play
> background music at a person's house.  The client called me back, distressed,
> saying that although the music SOUNDED good, the two never cracked a smile,
> seemed aloof and made her feel depressed! --

"Actually I came here to tell you cats that your music is basically nowhere - it
doesn't swing - you're all suffering from stark media jiveness and you should be
listening to Charlie Parker instead.

"The problem is that be bop jazz is too way-in for misdirected cubes like
yourselves - it's not your fault.

"If you could just feel the cosmic throb of the bop pulse tempo

"Holy!  The bop apocalypse!"

- Dizzy Ratstein,  "Mickey Rat Comix, Vol. 2"


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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