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Re: Who is listening to Yiddish music?

Wolf, what a feat! Quality wins in the long run, and as Richie himself has said:
"I really sing songs that move me. I'm not in show business and never was. I'm
in the
communications business. That's what it's about for me."

Sharing your joy and will write you privately in a few days,


Kame'a Media wrote:

> Someone suggested I share this (excerpted) mail with my friends on JML.
> Wolf Krakowski
> Kame'a Media
> RPH wrote:
> >   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Hi Wolf
> > I listened to your CD's and really am overjoyed
> > at what and how you've developed...
> > I really Love it...
> > LOL...for soon
> > Richie Havens

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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