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Re: silly trivia contests

In a message dated 7/6/99 11:53:52 AM, rlcm17 (at) hotmail(dot)com writes:

<< The Tokens--yes and no; certain assemblages of Tokens vis-a-vis certain 
songs.  But I'll certainly honor Simon's quite defensible entry--only how 
the heck will I get a cupcake to CA?  >>

The stuff that the Tokens sang when Neil Sedaka was their lear singer would 
probably be considered more doo wop than "The Lion Sings Tonigh". By the way, 
 when Neil Sedaka was 17,the first artist to record one of his songs, was 
Dianh Wahsington. His first hit songs were "The Dairy" by Little Anthony & 
The Imperials, and "Since You've Been Gone" by Clyde McPhatter.

Another (Jewish) group that might be called doo-wop was the Los Angeles group 
"The Safaris", thier big hit was "Image Of A Girl"

As far the  cup cake goes, UPS will deliver-but could you make that a non-fat 
cup cake?


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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