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Yiddishe Cup summer shows

Takin' it to the Goyim.....Yiddishe Cup's summer appearances:

8 pm Sunday, July 11. El Paso, Tex.  Chamizal National Memorial.
915-541-4481.  We play for 5,000 picnicking Hispanic-Americans and you.

12 pm Sunday, July 25, Kirtland, Ohio.  Little Mountain Folk Festival.
440-255-8979.  A lot of bluegrass, old-time music, gospel and a certain
klez band from Cleveland. 

7 pm Sunday, Aug. 15, Kalamazoo(Portage), Mich.  Celery Flats Amphitheatre.
 616-324-9200.  Bring your own ranch dip.

8:15 pm Wed., Aug 18, Lakeside, Ohio.  Lakeside Ass'n, Hoover Aud.
419-798-5033. A Chautauqua-style retreat. Klezmer, it's a Methodist thing. 

7:30 pm Thurs., Aug. 19, University Heights, Ohio.  Wiley Middle School,
216-932-7800.  Our core audience, our home turf.  The clarinetist's mother
just hates it when people dance in front of the bandstand and block her
view of the band.

Bert Stratton
Yiddishe Cup Klezmer Band  

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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